What screen resolution required for barbie rapunzel pc game
What screen resolution required for barbie rapunzel pc game

what screen resolution required for barbie rapunzel pc game

Doc put my on Synthroid, which after 2 weeks totally whacked me out, making me hypERthyroid, because my adrenal glands were weak and I was anemic. It all started with some irregular menstrual bleeding, that led to a diagnosis of hypothryoidism. Sometimes I look back over the past couple of years and freak out over the number of medical issues I've had to deal with. Also, laundry (the never-ending laundry!) awaits! More later. We're visiting friends tomorrow and I said I'd bring an eggnog cheesecake, so I'd better get off my butt and get going with that. It will take a while to figure out what works, I guess. Before Christmas, I was up to 10, but at a much slower rate, and I didn't have these aches & pains. I'm going to have to ease into exercise again. I did about 8 minutes on the bike yesterday at 14mph (avg) and my stomach (surgery area) was killing me later in the evening. I think those 2 things are a good place to start.

what screen resolution required for barbie rapunzel pc game

but also hope that underlying reasons for sleep-avoidance have abated.Īlso, I'm going to let go of that "I should be doing more" feeling and accept that what I'm doing right now is what I'm supposed to be doing. I have some ideas why, don't feel like going into them now. I've resolved before to get more sleep, but haven't been able to stick to it. This year for some reason it just feels right. If you want to do something better, why wait? Start right away! It seems weird to me to wait to make a positive change in your life. I usually don't do resolutions at New Year's. (I get to stay up past midnight today to see the New Year in, after that - no more!) My main resolution, starting Jan 1: I will go to bed before midnight, every day, no matter what. I think the coming months will see some good resolutions or at least, acceptance, on my part. So - home and family are tip-top, but I'm still in a bit of personal limbo. Still, if I ever bring it up to him, he just tells me not to be silly, that he wants me to be well and he's quite happy with me. Sometimes I feel - not exactly guilt, but bad? sad? I don't know - about everything he has had to endure with me, my most recent (and final, God willing) journey through the Virgin Re-certification program just being the most recent example. Those early years of complaints about being ignored must have sunk in sometime along the way. Actually, that has not happened in quite a long time, which is a relief, let me tell you! He is so good about letting me know that I am important to him. Rules rule!ĭH is my rock, he keeps me grounded and out of depression and focused on reality instead of the things that come climbing out of the pit of despair that occasionally opens up in my mind. But those things are the exception, not the rule - we have lots of rules, actually. Extraordinary, definitely, and infinitely precious, and I'm very thankful they are ALL mine even though some days I am distressed by their bad attitudes and disrespect. Then again, they are still really picky eaters, DD attempts temper tantrums from time to time (always met with either derision or irritation, and she never wins), and DS2 is nearly 3 and is still pretty negative about the whole potty thing. It was sweet, really, but at a certain point? Gimme a break! There's no need to regale the world with our DS1's impressive fire-bellied newt project, is there? We could always talk about DD's extraordinary attention to detail and focus, or DS2's truly phenomenal vocabularly and speech ("I've got a great joke for you, Mommy." - followed by a "why did the X cross the road"-type joke. We got one of those "Christmas Letters" from a friend of DH's and we had to laugh over all the superlatives he used to describe his wife and kids. We had our best-ever family vacation over the summer, and excellent visits from family, here. This was a good year, in spite of the continuing medical saga. When I make it for us, I just skip the crust, but I don't really feel as if I can do that when it's for company, so to speak. Is that bad? I'm stalling because I haven't figured out what kind of crust I want to put on it. We're not going over till late afternoon so if worse comes to worse I can make it tomorrow! I am in semi-slug mode, but eventually I'll get motivated. Tomorrow, we're going over to some friends for dinner and I still haven't made that cheesecake. DS2 was so tired this evening he actually crawled into bed himself! Poor dear. Still, I'm looking forward to getting back to "real life" because the kids are getting to used to staying up past 9PM, which is waaayyy too late for them. No upheavals, no major problems/fights/illnesses with the kids, no major responsibilities.

What screen resolution required for barbie rapunzel pc game